Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Timing = BITCH

Beberapa hari ini, gw menyadari mulai punya kebiasaan buruk, melupakan hal-hal kecil dan rasa sesalnya itu nyakitin banget.
Pulang kantor tadi rencananya mo nuker power bank rusak ke Ambassador, beli minggu lalu tapi di charge kok ga penuh-penuh, untung masi ada garansi toko sebulan.
Singkat cerita pesen gojek, sampe Ambassador ternyata power banknya ketinggalan di meja. KAN KZL BGT SAMA DIRI SENDIRI!!!!!
Gw ga tau otak gw tadi ada di mana? Padahal tu power bank udah di dalam tas dari pagi. KAN TOLOL!!!
Dengan lesu dan lapar balik kandang lah gw, sampe stasiun langsung dapat kereta.
Clingak - clinguk, mata ini pun menemukan seseorang yg tiba-tiba familiar.
And he was there, my crush on high school (with his soon to be wife)  - JARI TENGAH

RAM otak gw langsung mencari folder ingatan tahun 2004 - 2005. and He was there, my crush on high school driving his orange motorbike. And there were me, the freshman who didnt even have courage to see him. And those memories were flooded. 12 years ago so many thing happens. Time flies memory stay. People came and go. And im here.
12 years back then, Im not so into high school and its glory. I always change school cause i follow my Dad job as an Army. I never had friends since kindergaten. I forgot all my elemantary and junior high friends face and names.
Thats the reason why i dont have any appointment on breakfasting moment or invitation to reunion party. Since young i had my own world and socialy awkward personality. But its not what i want to share. Intermezzo only ;)
Bayangin aja gw masi bisa ngorek kenangan 12 tahun kemaren tapi power bank yang penting banget bisa kelupaan. Otak kadang suka main-main sama diri kita sendiri.
Random nginget hal-hal memalukan di masa lalu tapi suka idle klo disuruh mikirin masa depan.
12 tahun itu ga sebentar, jaman masi blom ada facebook dn path. Handphone hanya dimiliki oleh anak orang kaya ( gw baru punya hape semester 2 kuliah). Itu pun masi poliponik.
Memories are scary rite. You can recall the pain from your worse injuries and feel it rite now.
You even can feel the warm of your first kiss experience, how his hand move slowly around your neck and hold you tight. And how his breath tickling your ear and the big smile you made. Stupid bitch!! 
Memories are definetlly scary, you can forget your pin number when you on ATM centre. Even you cant remember your nightmare last night.
How people change in your memories. The way you see them will different according to their present and how they act around you
Once a while they will stay but in the other day they're gone without saying goodbye.
Gw kyaknya udah musti mulai nyatet lagi keperluan gw. Pengen bisa nyalahin orang atau sesuatu sama kelupaan gw ini tapi kok rasanya salah. Menyemangati diri sendiri, mungkin emang ga rejeki hari ini punya power bank baru. Masi ada garansi sebulannya. Moga besok rencana gw berjalan lantjar yesss.
Memories are the thing who made you a person today, you can choose what you want to recall or not. Its all the reward that you can give for your self.
Timing is the bitch.
I wish i can forget you a little earlier.

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